Pāriet uz galveno saturu
Sat. 10.06.2023. 16:00

Aristo Dance Studio&Company | AR SIRDI DEJĀ

The Grand hall

Aristo Dance Studio&Company ar lepnumu aicina ik vienu uz 2023. gada atskaites koncertu! Deju svētki divos cēlienos, piedalās gan studijas jaunpienācēji ar pirmo ieskatu skatuves dzīvē, gan arī visas studijas sacensību grupas, kas skatuvi ir iemīlējuši, un liks to iemīlēt arī Jums!

Burvīgs veids, kā iesākt vasaru - ar deju!

N.B. Biļetes iespējams iegādāties rakstot vai zvanot pa tālr. 25663034 vai dsaristo_lv Instagram kontā!

The Host of the Event hereby informs that photographic images and/or video recordings will be taken in the course of the Event in order to ensure coverage of the Event in mass media and information materials. The obtained materials can be used for publicity and public information purposes. The Host of the Event assumes no liability for any photographic images and/or video recordings taken by third parties and for the usage of the materials thus obtained. Detailed information regarding the processing of your personal data is available here.
